Thursday, March 27, 2008

Hacking Harvard by Robin Wasserman

Hacking Harvard by Robin Wasserman

Theres challenges all over the world, in every day life, big and small...but what kind of challange is the ultimate challenage?
Maybe...Hacking into Harvard?

The Hack:
Hacking into Harvard should seem easy...but not when your trying to get an extreamly unqualitied, lazy person into the top school in the country!

The Crew:
Meet the Crew.
First up, The good guy...Meeeeet Eric Roth.
Next, the slacker who created the bet in the first place...itttssss Max Kim.
This mission could never even been thought of if it werent for the kid wiz in Harvard...Give it up for Schwartz.
And finally, the beauty-valedictorian who cant resist the dangerous fun involved in this, please welcome Lexy!

The Plan: Every good mission needs a plan. In this case its to only use the most undetectable technologic skills. Dont get caught.

Soon, everything they ever wanted will be in there hands...soon.

I rate this book with three muffins:

1 Comment:

Anna said...

Can't wait to read this one! What did you think of it?
