Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Wow, I'm sorry...

Havent been here in a while. But bare with me and read my whole post...please =)

But I swear, I have good reasons...Really....sooooo.....
School started...I mean my school is seriously unbelievable with the work load that they give us...I've considered dropping out because there is JUST TOO MUCH! -- although that will never happen because I have to go to collage/ tehe.

If you guys have been to my site before, you will know that I have 'book-mood-swings', for about 2 months or so...maybe 3. I just havent been in the mood for reading. But I'm slowing getting back into it...--speaking of which, I need a serious update of what the new books are, or what the new/good books have come out during these 3 months...lollol...

I am just down right a lazy, I'm supposed to be doing house chores and homework right now...Because I'm on AUTUMN BREAKK :))
*victory dance*

And yeah, those would be all of my reasons...
But I swear I will be coming back more, as I'm reading more again...

(ooh and btw, if you read previous posts you'll see that I couldnt finish the book 'Rumors'...yeah about that, I still havent finished it.....;) oopsies.....xP)


Lenore Appelhans said...

Let's see some reviews!

addicted reader said...

I totally know how those "reading" swings feel. I am just now coming out of mine. Man those stink.